Runtime error 482 is an error caused when you try and use various printer functions inside your Windows computer. The most common cause of these errors is either from having damaged system files inside your PC or from a variety of different errors that can cause your computer to run unreliably. You can fix this error very easily by using the steps in this article to cure any of the issues that cause it to occur...
The Runtime 482 error normally shows in this format:
* Run-time error '482′: Printer Error
* Printer Error
The error is specifically caused by the "PrintForm" command inside Windows becoming damaged and corrupted. This command is used widely in software programs to print the files that you want, but is prone to a lot of damage, leading your system to become unable to use it - showing the Runtime 482 error.
The first thing you can do to avoid this error is to avoid using "printform". This is an in-built Windows command, but ca be circumvented by using the likes of "EndDoc" before it. This is very important as it allows your software to print the documents you want without showing the Runtime 482 error.
After you've done that, it's advisable that you clean out the registry with a "registry cleaner". The registry is often the cause of Runtime errors because of the way it's continually being used by your computer. Every day, the registry is being opened and read to help your system recall a huge number of settings and options. Everything from your desktop wallpaper to your most recent emails are kept in the registry database, making it one of the most important and frequently used parts of your PC. Unfortunately, the registry is also causes the Runtime 482 error, as it's often damaging many of the settings that your printer requires to run. To fix this problem, you need to use a 'registry cleaner' to repair any of the damaged registry settings inside your PC, allowing your computer to run much faster and smoother.