Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Fix HP Printer Error 49

All over the world the HP Printers are used for best printing works. HP Printers are globally used by everyone who want good printed document. Sometimes when the printer have problems then you might get error messages including the Error Code 49. Other than that it can also occur due to the file errors that handles the hardware. There are other reasons too that can cause various error messages. Other than that you can get these errors due to the malfunctioned hardware components too including the cables and connections. Few possible reasons of...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Most Common 10 Printer Problems That You Can Easily Fix Yourself

As in the case with the most of mechanical devices, printers can also cease to work or many produce inconsistent or unexpected results. Though there are many variants and each can develop a separate kind of fault, but there are some common faults which, if you know how to fix, can easily save the cost of calling a printer repair service provider. 1) Fuzzy print Sometimes we notice fuzzy print, letter or graphics on pages and we think that something is wrong with the printer. But this is not the case. Fuzzy print is caused due to printing on a...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to Clean a Printhead

The thing about modern printers is that they are delicate machines that require highly skilled technicians for most repair tasks. However there are a few jobs that are perfectly suited for the owner, tasks that requires less than no technical insight. While replacement of ink cartridges as well as installing the printhead and setting up wireless networking is often covered by the manual, few if no manufactures have cared to write a guide on how to deal with clogged printheads. There is of course...

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